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selected work

A blog post about trusting your gut; knowing that the body intuitively understands things before all the evidence becomes clear.
This essay of my thoughts (accompanied by the Barenaked Ladies' song) during a breast exam was published in The Globe and Mail.
A poem about one-sided communication and the pain that no one sticks around to see.
Music can transform. Music can heal. Music can get into the dark corners of your life and create space. Breathe it in.
Searching for answers, one poem at a time. did you? is a series of curious questions for the reader to ponder.
A challenge from a good friend to “finish one piece” led to the creation of my first self-published chapbook with stories from a daily commute on Vancouver’s SeaBus.


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hi. i'm anne.

I write poems, essays and other dispatches about life. Some say I can make them laugh and cry at the same time… and that the writing’s not bad too.

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