when words fail

Photo of Illuminated santa

How to keep writing when the words don’t come. Or, instead… go hibernate.

c’mon and dance

Photo of CV Collective magazine

As I recently shared in my glisk* newsletter, I received a fun assignment to profile a Vancouver Island-born hip hop dancer, Jacksun Fryer of Funkanometry, for CV Collective magazine. I was pleasantly surprised by the warmth and sincerity he displayed in our interview, and without sounding too much like my mother… thought he was a […]


This contribution to National Poetry Month was featured on a downtown storefront. skvala conjures a squall at sea.

trust your instincts

Daylight gleaming through frost-tipped grass

A blog post about trusting your gut; knowing that the body intuitively understands things before all the evidence becomes clear.

controlled burn

Roaring campfire

A blog post imaging Mother Earth as a menopausal woman … guess what? she’s hot and over it!

haiku wins contest

It is nearing the end of April (designated as National Poetry Month here in Canada) and I am very pleased to share that a haiku I wrote for a contest in my local library system was chosen to be the first place winner. It’s always exciting to “win” something, especially when, in this case, the […]

(ripening) before the bloom

Since I last wrote, life has been busy, off-kilter, and to be honest, I’m a hollow husk of my normal self at the moment. All of my plucky optimism and self-help mantras from the beginning of the year could not shield me from life pressures of late, and what I once turned to for escape […]

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