I get it. Newsletters seem really antiquated in a world of 20-second TikTok videos and 24/7 content feeds. But they do remain a stubbornly consistent way to connect with your audience and remind those interested folks to revisit the mothership of your website. It is also a sustainable tool for me, as I don’t have the time nor inclination to promote myself endlessly on social media, and would rather share writing when I have something to say as opposed to some pre-ordained, relentless calendar. I’m not in this to win you over… haha. I’m just sharing my writing in the sincere hope that someone might enjoy it, or find some resonance to their own life experiences, or perhaps elicit a laugh or two. My goals are modest and rooted in the belief that you get what you give in life. I want beauty and thoughtfulness and intelligence and conversation – so I’m doing my best to put my version of that out into the world.
A few of you lovely souls signed up receive the glisk* newsletter (thank you!), yet I’m sure many of you never actually saw that first edition. So, I’m writing this post as a little Subscriber101 to ensure that those of you that are interested in hearing from me, actually receive the transmission. If you already subscribed you can skip to the second section.
How to subscribe to the newsletter:
1. On the home page of annefarrer.com there is a gray box where you can enter in your email address to subscribe to glisk*.
2. As the pop-up box will tell you, this is only step one of a two-step process. Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) requires that individuals CONFIRM an email subscription. And, to do that you need to go to your email inbox and verify (through a second click) in that email, that you do, in fact, want to receive the newsletter. This email should come to your inbox, but may push to your junk folder or promotions folder of your email program.
3. Once you click there to confirm, you are officially subscribed. Yay! Happy dance.
Now the hard(er) part…
How to receive the newsletter:
1. When my newsletter comes out it will probably hit your JUNK email folder, or your PROMOTIONS email folder, meaning that it will probably not appear in your main (or primary) inbox. Yes, as humbling as this is, my communications are considered spam until proven otherwise so you actually need to look in that folder occasionally to see if there has been a newsletter distributed.
2. Annoying right? I agree! All those dinnertime telemarketers ruined it for all of us. But there are only a few things I can do to support.
3. I will always post on Instagram/Facebook./Twitter that a newsletter is coming out. So if you follow me you will have a head’s up.
4. You can try to add the newsletter to your known addresses in your email’s address book/contacts (depending on your email program).
5. If you happen to use Gmail – you can drag the email from the promotions tab to the primary tab, then click YES when the pop-up asks you whether all future communications from that email should go to your primary/main inbox! DONE. Coolio, right?
6. If you “star” the email, it will at least be put at the top of whichever inbox you are in so you don’t lose it amongst the free coupons for UberEats, or Capital One Credit Card applications.
7. Read, and hopefully enjoy a moment of glisk* in your day – perhaps click through to something on the main site? Perhaps not. It’s your life. But at a minimum you had the opportunity to read something you said you were interested in. So, happy dance.
Thanks for caring enough to read this and to (potentially) subscribe. As many of you know, I’m not the most “tech-forward” person, so I’m learning right alongside you.
2 Responses
Looking forward to your contributions!!!
Ridiculously good!
Even for your 50 year old self!!!
Love your writings!
Thankyou , sweet Anne (with an "e")