recent posts
Hello world. This blog will feature personal insights, comments on the process of writing and timely news. Check back regularly for announcements and spontaneous dispatches. It can be a lonely world out there, so let’s keep talking to each other, okay? I’ll go first…

when words fail
How to keep writing when the words don’t come. Or, instead… go hibernate.

c’mon and dance
As I recently shared in my glisk* newsletter, I received a fun assignment to profile a Vancouver Island-born hip hop dancer, Jacksun Fryer of Funkanometry, for CV Collective magazine. I was pleasantly surprised by the warmth and sincerity he displayed in our interview, and without sounding too much like my mother… thought he was a

This contribution to National Poetry Month was featured on a downtown storefront. skvala conjures a squall at sea.

trust your instincts
A blog post about trusting your gut; knowing that the body intuitively understands things before all the evidence becomes clear.

what I learned in whistler, pt 2 (life)
More life learnings discovered at the Whistler Writers Fest, this time a few minor things such as language, loneliness and love.

what I learned in whistler, pt 1 (work)
A blog post reflecting on what you learn from working, my own work history and what new opportunities might be ahead for me.

when words fail
How to keep writing when the words don’t come. Or, instead… go hibernate.
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c’mon and dance
As I recently shared in my glisk* newsletter, I received a fun assignment to profile a Vancouver Island-born hip hop dancer, Jacksun Fryer of Funkanometry, for CV Collective magazine. I was pleasantly surprised by the warmth and sincerity he displayed in our interview, and without sounding too much like my mother… thought he was a
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This contribution to National Poetry Month was featured on a downtown storefront. skvala conjures a squall at sea.
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trust your instincts
A blog post about trusting your gut; knowing that the body intuitively understands things before all the evidence becomes clear.
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what I learned in whistler, pt 2 (life)
More life learnings discovered at the Whistler Writers Fest, this time a few minor things such as language, loneliness and love.
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what I learned in whistler, pt 1 (work)
A blog post reflecting on what you learn from working, my own work history and what new opportunities might be ahead for me.
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